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Before/Beyond Birth Early Parenting Stages 

Before Birth - Beyond Birth


  • 1-2-1 £150

  • Group £60 pp/couple


You would look after your physical well being why not your mental well being?


Is it not just as important?


This is for EVERYONE who is preparing for or already got a baby in their arms.


Beyond Birth will offer skills that help to slow down, connect and ease the emotional intensity so parents can enjoy and bank the first precious months and years with baby and reflect on what's important to them as they find their unique way together.


Beyond Birth is a guide to help parents keep their mental wellbeing in balance, using an integration of evidence-based, effective techniques and life-skills including Relaxation, Journaling, Hypnosis, Mindfulness, Aromatherapy, CBT and Breath. Anxiety


There are 6 relevant themes to explore, starting from the last few weeks of pregnancy and into parenthood for the first 12 months, including Emotions, Connections, Nurture, Healing, Transformation and Nourishment.


Both the guide and groups include meditation, reflection and connection exercises to promote wellbeing, compassion, calm, confidence and bonding with self, baby and others with a realistic, impartial viewpoint on parenting.


Beyond Birth groups are here to help you in those first few weeks as a new parent, be it first time or fifth time!

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